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Working with a coach can help you raise self-awareness; that is, to see yourself, your goals, and future path more clearly. Our coaches partner with you to create meaningful & high impact change by both inspiring you & equipping you with practical tools to achieve your goals.  Here's how we're different:

We're committed to your success, not to watching the clock.

  • We work with a limited number of clients each month so we can focus our energy on your success. ​​.

  • Our video / phone coaching packages are structured by the month & are are tailored to your needs & schedule.  We work with some clients for 45 mins every week, others for an hour every few weeks.  

  • You can also text or e-mail your coach between appointments should something come up.

  • Our coaching portal is accessible 24/7 from any device: schedule appointments, share files / notes with your coach or complete exercises from wherever you are. 

Our coaching methods are both evidence-based & practical.  We leverage the following resources to help you get real results:

  • ​Coaching methodology & ethics from the International Coach Federation & the Institute of Coaching at Harvard. 

  • Research from the field of Positive Psychology & Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

  • Deep leadership practice & expertise in senior leadership roles in global, matrix organizations 

  • Hundreds of hours of individual coaching experience.

We aren't afraid to "go there" with you.

We are able to both illuminate & address unhelpful behavior & mindsets.​ Growth happens where there is discomfort. .

We understand the complexities of leadership, because we've lived it. 
Having both led & been a member of senior leadership teams, we bring an understanding & empathy of what it feels like to be in your shoes.

We base our coaching fees on your needs & budget.
There's no "one-size fits all" hourly or monthly rate for our services.  During our initial conversation, we co-design the coaching engagement fee with you based on your unique situation.

The process starts with a FREE introductory call that allows you to assess whether the coach is the right fit for you.  There's no hard sell - its simply an opportunity for us both to assess whether we'd enjoy working together.  Great coaching is predicated on great chemistry between the coach & the client - if we aren't the right fit for you, that's okay! 

If we decide to get started, you will receive pre-work before the first session to prompt you to spend time in reflection before we begin working together.  By taking the reflection time, you will get more value from your coaching investment, as you will be clearer on what you want to get out of the work.

Wondering if we are the right coach for you?



If you are a leader looking to explore how you can improve your leadership practice & business results, the Leadership Circle Profile is a proven model that creates results. 


Most 360° profiles focus on either management style and personality, skills / competencies, or underlying behavioral tendencies. The Leadership Circle Profile combines all of these areas into one assessment that measures leadership effectiveness & helps you understand the underlying assumptions that drive it.

We love it as a 360° tool because extensive psychometric analysis has gone into the development of the Leadership Circle Profile and it is statistically valid in every way that validity is measured.  There is also a proven correlation between improving leadership effectiveness through The Leadership Circle approach and the delivery of better business results.  Full details of the research can be found here: The Leadership Circle & Organizational Performance

Awareness Building Program

A great way to kick-off a coaching engagement is to increase your self-awareness, including your leadership strengths & opportunities and the underlying reasons behind your unique leadership approach.

  • You nominate raters to complete the Leadership Circle Profile 360° assessment, as well as completing the self-assessment

  • Your coach will email you your personal Leadership Circle Profile 360° assessment report and a interpretation guide

  • They will also spend 90-minutes with you, debriefing the results via Zoom

  • A second, 90 min debrief will be conducted via Zoom a week later to answer questions, discus insights and set development goals and an action plan to achieve them

Want to know more?

"Vulnerability is the birthplace
of innovation, creativity and change."

Brené Brown

©2019-2021 by The Human-Centered Leadership Company.  Newport News, VA, USA.

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